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OCR: # Wizard wse - Wise Installation System File Edit View Installation Languages Help >8 A V /* + Title: Wizard Sample Floppy Size: 1420 Language: U.S. English Actions: Installation Script: Add BDE Alias Add Directory to PATH Rem This installation script demonstrates the use of wizards in an installation. Add ProgMan Icons Rem Note: the bitmap graphics in this sample have been removed to save space. Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Add to AUTOEXEC.BAT Set Variable LOGFILEPATH to Add to CONFIG.SYS Custom Graphic Add to SYSTEM.INI If System Has Win 95 and Long Filenames Start Block Allow Floppy Disk Change Get Registry Key SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion place in Variable Browse for Directory Set Variable MAINDIR to %MAINDIR%\WISE Call DLL Function Else Check Configuration Set Variable MAINDIR to C:\WISE Check Disk Space End Block Check If File/Dir Exists Set Variable DIALOG to A Config ODBC Data Source Set Variable WINTYPE to B Configure BDE Set Variable GROUP to GLBS Applications Copy Local File(s) Create Directory Rem This While loop is used to display each of the wizard dialogs. Create Shortcut/Shell Link Custom Dialog While DIALOG Not Equal "Z" do Custom Graphic If DIALOG Equals "A" then Delete File(s) Rem Welcome Display Graphic Set Variable DISABLED to ! Display Message Display Readme File Custom Dialog "Wise Wizard Sample 4.0" NUM